What is syntax in linguistics?

Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the formation as well as the structure of any sentences. How the phrases and words are arranged to form correct sentences that is actually what it explains to us. A sentence could be correct from the syntax point of view even if it has no sense in its meaning as long as words are in the appropriate place. An example: - limitless white smells drive slowly. 
sound awkward right!.

 So, to create a correct grammatical sentence what we have to do is to follow the syntax rules of the particular language.

sentence structure in English language 

Each word in any sentence plays a role in any particular sentence. Every sentence consists of a subject and a verb at the very very least. Simple sentences follow a basic subject-verb-object format. 
The man brought a car.

The subject also may combined with adjective or descriptive phrases that add more details. For example: 
The man who stole the car.

A sentence also may contain a direct and an indirect object. In that case, the word order will be subject-verb-direct object-indirect object. 
For example: 
The father brought an apple pie to the his children.

To add where, how, and when details, follow the order: subject-verb-object-manner-place-time. 
For examples:
Sami passed the newspaper to zaid slowly in library yesterday.

Structurally, sentences can be organized into four groups: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.
 What classifies each sentence is the number of main ideas or complete thoughts they contain. A complete thought is also called an independent clause. It's a sentence with at least one subject and one verb that can exist on its own and conveys a clear meaning . If a sentence sounds unfinished and not clear to us, then it's a dependent clause: it has most of sentences elements like a subject  and a verb but does not express a complete thought. In this case, it needs to be combined with an independent clause for making a full, a complete and clear sentence.